


CORDEX is providing global coordination of Regional Climate Downscaling (RCD) for improved regional climate change adaptation and impact assessment

The main goals are :

  1. To quality-control data sets of RCD-based information for the recent historical past and 21st century projections, covering the majority of populated land regions on the globe. The RCD information samples uncertainties in Regional Climate Change associated with varying Global Climate Model (GCM) simulations, varying greenhouse gas (GHG) concentration scenarios, natural climate variability and different downscaling methods. The CORDEX downscaling activities are based on the latest set of GCM climate scenarios and predictions produced within the 5th Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5)

  2. To build a common set of Regional Climate Model (RCM) domains for dynamical downscaling and define a standard set of variables, frequency and format for output and archival at a number of CORDEX data centers

  3. To coordinate a range of RCM simulations for the defined domains, forced by analyses of observations (currently ERA-Interim) to provide a benchmark framework for model evaluation and assessment. This exercise should include also statistical downscaling (SD) methods

  4. To develop of Regional Analysis and Evaluation Teams to: Evaluate the ensemble of RCD simulations Develop a suitable set of regional-specific metrics for RCD evaluation Collect suitable observational data to evaluate high-resolution RCD simulations Design experiments to investigate the added-value of RCDs and target future priorities in RCD research

  5. To engagement with the broad RCD community in its activities and discussions

  6. To support and inform the climate impact assessment and adaptation groups interested in utilizing CORDEX RCD material in their research.